About Us
Kredi Kayıt Bürosu was founded by nine leading banks in Turkey on April 11, 1995.
We have been creating value since 1995.
Kredi Kayıt Bürosu (KKB) was founded by nine leading banks in Turkey on April 11, 1995. As a highly regarded financial institution, KKB has a total of 156 members, including 44 banks, 61 factoring companies, 23 leasing companies, 4 insurance companies, 14 consumer financing companies, 7 asset management companies and 3 other types of companies. Pursuant to the Banking Law no. 5411 (art. 73/4), KKB was founded by at least five banks to facilitate the exchange of information and documents between the financial institutions. As per the same article of the relevant Law, the members of KKB have been sharing credit information of their customers since April 1999.
With Law no. 6111 issued on February 25, 2011, additional Article 1 and Provisional Article 28 were added to the Banking Law no. 5411. And as per the Additional Article 1, a Risk Center (RM) has been established within the organization of the Banks Association of Turkey (TBB) to collect the risk data of customers of credit institutions and other financial institutions, deemed fit by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, and to share such data with these institutions, with natural or legal persons themselves or subject to prior consent thereof, private legal persons and third party natural persons. Upon transfer of the Risk Centralization Center within the organization of the Central Bank of Turkey (CBRT), the Risk Center of the Banks Association of Turkey started up operations on June 28, 2013. KKB conducts all operational and technical activities through its own organization as an agency of the Risk Center of TBB and provides data collection and sharing services to 180 financial institutions which are members of the Risk Center.
KKB offers its services not only to financial institutions, but also to individuals and the real sector through “Cheque Report”, “Risk Report” and “Electronic Report” systems launched in January 2013. As of September 2014, KKB gathered its services aimed at individuals and the real sector under the umbrella of Findeks, the consumer service platform of KKB. KKB continued to create added value primarily for the banking-finance industry, as well as the real sector, through sectoral collaborations alongside its new products and services launched in 2015. Ultimately, through the QR Code Cheque System – launched by KKB in 2015, which later became mandatory by law in 2016 and entered into force as of January 1, 2017 – an important step was taken for more transparent and secure commercial transactions.
To become an exemplary, leading credit bureau in the world and a growing asset for Turkey by exceeding expectations with innovative products and services.
To offer the information and technology covering the needs of the financial industry and the real sector in the best possible way and to increase the operational efficiency of the institutions it serves.
To enrich the current database by improving the risk management through value added products and services we offer to the Risk Center of the Banks Association of Turkey at the highest security standards and service level,
To develop analytical models based on data richness in line with the BIG DATA concept and to cover the effective risk management needs of a diverse range of industries,
To raise awareness on receivable risk management and financial literacy by developing products and services for the real sector and individuals,
To contribute to domestic R&D activities supporting cloud computing and cloud-based services.
To cooperate with technology-producing companies and to raise awareness of the real sector by reducing its cost of accessing information technologies.
To provide comprehensive reports on economic/financial outlook and forecasts as well as macro-economic indicator services on behalf of KKB members and RM.
To offer operational efficiency and cost advantage by centralizing the transactions made by different institutions.
To effectively analyze potential needs of different industries and offer most suitable solutions.
To raise the awareness of the society through social responsibility projects that will benefit the society and the environment.
To be an organization committed to delivering high level employee satisfaction, maintaining a strong corporate structure and safeguarding the principle of equality.
KKB continues its corporate development by assuming new tasks in order to contribute to the Turkish economy.
KKB Milestones, 1995
Turkey’s first and only credit bureau, KKB was founded on April 11.
KKB Milestones, 1999
Credit Reference System (CRS) was launched in April.
With an amendment to the Banking Law on December 17, 1999, in addition to companies such as banks, insurance providers and consumer finance companies, other corporate enterprises to be deemed appropriate by the BRSA are allowed to be members to KKB.
KKB Milestones, 2000
The Customer Objections Handling System (MIDES) was launched in April and False Information/Document/Declaration/Application Alert System (SABAS) went into operation in September. In November, MIDES migrated to an electronic platform, making it possible to reply to a customer’s dispute within maximum two hours.
KKB Milestones, 2001
Credit Account Records as well as Credit Application Records were launched in June.
KKB Milestones, 2002
The Information Verification System (IVS) went into service.
KKB Milestones, 2004
The Personal Credit Rating (PCR) was introduced.
KKB Milestones, 2005
The Corporate Bureau System was put into use for members in June.
KKB Milestones, 2006
MIDES, Information Verification and the Emergency Update System were converted into an online, interactive information exchange platform. The Limit Control System (LCS) was launched pursuant to Article 9 of the Debit Cards and Credit Cards Law.
KKB Milestones, 2007
The Internet Fraud Alert System (IFAS) was launched in February.
KKB Milestones, 2008
With the addition of the data from Mortgaged Real Estate, Persons Banned from Participation in Tenders, and Bounced Cheques to the Corporate Bureau System, the database was enriched.
The technical infrastructure of SABAS was improved and integrated with the KKB system.
KKB Milestones, 2009
The Bounced Cheque Query System was launched for inquiry of bounced cheque data, which are shared with the members on a daily basis.
KKB Milestones, 2012
Undergoing a rapid transformation, KKB set out to create a system for the real sector, similar to the closed-circuit system between banks.
In parallel with the modified vision and needs, the organizational structure was revamped, and new corporate identity work was completed.
Concrete steps were taken to launch the Risk Center. Risk and Cheque Reports were introduced and the E-Reporting System, enabling electronic report requests and delivery, went into service.
KKB Milestones, 2013
The Electronic Reporting (E-Reporting) System was launched.
Commercial Credit Rating (CCR) was launched.
Credit Rating and Cheque Index started to be provided together with the Cheque and Risk Reports.
E-Newsletter started to be sent to KKB members regularly.
GeoMIS, the map-based reporting service, was made available to CRS-member institutions. TARDES and GeoMIS websites went live.
Data quality rose from 80% to 90% with the support of member institutions.
Personal Credit Rating (PCR) was opened for use with an upgraded fourth version.
Following the agreement executed between the Banks Association of Turkey (TBB) and KKB, work on the Risk Center commenced. All infrastructure and operation related works were undertaken by KKB.
The website www.kkb.com.tr was renewed
KKB Milestones, 2014
The Findeks brand was introduced and www.findeks.com was launched. Findeks was introduced to the press. A 360-degree communications campaign commenced.
The first corporate social responsibility project, “You Imagine, We Realize,” organized by KKB for all university students in Turkey, started. The www.hayaledingerceklestirelim.com website launched.
GeoMIS, the map-based reporting system, won the “Oracle 2014 Innovator Excellence” award.
Cheque Status Inquiry was launched.
The Household Database and Trade Registry Sharing System launched.
The Loans Analysis Portal went live.
The Address Processing System launched.
Letter of Guarantee Status Inquiry (LGSI) launched
KKB Milestones, 2015
The Findeks QR Code Cheque System launched in collaboration with the Banks Association of Turkey.
The National Fraud Detection and Prevention Service was launched.
The Association of Financial Institutions’ (FKB) Factoring Invoice Pool was created.
Ground was broken on the Data Center, which will be built in Ankara.
The Cross Cheque Inquiry Application was launched.
IBAN Verification Service was launched.
The daily sharing system went into service.
The Real Sector Credit Assessment System, designed in collaboration with the Auto Leasing and Rental Companies Association (TOKKDER) for the vehicle rental and leasing sector, was launched.
The second edition of the social responsibility project competition, “You Imagine, We Realize,” was held.
KKB Milestones, 2016
QR Code Cheque was enacted on August 9, 2016 with the announcement in Official Gazette numbered 29796.
The construction and infrastructure of the KKB Anadolu Data Center located in Ankara was completed.
Cheque Analysis Portal was launched.
Limit Control System (LCS) Customer Objection Assessment System (COAS) application was put into service.
KKB Unknown Number service was launched.
Collection Scores were introduced.
Inclination Scores were rolled out.
Commercial Credit Rating (CCR) Version 2 was put into service.
IBAN Verification was launched.
The Cross Cheque Inquiry service was introduced.
Total number of annual transactions exceeded 1 billion.
The social responsibility project competition “You Imagine, We Realize” was held for the third time.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is composed of the CEO of Kredi Kayıt Bürosu and the representatives of nine leading banks in Turkey.

Chairman of the Board of Directors
Mehmet Erkan AKBULUT
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors
Member of the Board of Directors
İzzet Oğuzhan ÖZARK
Member of the Board of Directors
Hüseyin ÜST
Member of the Board of Directors
Member of the Board of Directors
Seyit Mehmet YAYDEMİR
Member of the Board of Directors
Member of the Board of Directors
Member of the Board of Directors